B.Prime Coat Touch-up: Immediately after erection, sand smooth any rusted or damaged areas of prime coat and apply touch-up of compatible air-drying primer. 底漆润色:在竖起以后,应立即打磨光亮,对底漆上生锈或者有损伤的地方进行润色,并使其保持颜色一致。
The application of prime coat and seal in cement concrete pavement reconstruction 透层+封层在水泥混凝土路面改建中的应用
On effect and construction technology points of the prime coat and tack coat in pavement project 谈路面工程透层和粘层的作用及施工技术要点
Waterproof functions and construction of prime coat and sub-seal coat of expressway 高速公路透层及下封层的防水功能和施工技术
Discussion on the Prime Coat of Semi-rigid Base 关于半刚性基层透层的探讨
Forming mechanism and construction of prime coat and seal coat of asphalt pavement 沥青路面透层和封层形成机理及施工技术
Quality Control of Prime Coat and Slurry Seal Coat 浅析透层、稀浆封层的质量控制
The three-layer anticorrosive process-chemical oxidized film, prime coat and sealant-is adopted for renovating the stiffening beam of bomb bay of aeroplane on the eroded surface. The corrosion resistance of the renovated surface is tested. 采用化学氧化层、底漆、密封胶三层防腐修复工艺在原位对飞机弹舱加强梁表面腐蚀进行修复,试验了修复层的防腐蚀性能。
Talk about Constructional Technology and Notice of Prime Coat in Pavement of Expressway 高速公路路面基层透层油施工工艺与注意事项